Lionel Higgins and Norman Riley, Butterflies of Britain and Europe (London: Collins, 1970)
Matthew Gandy, Moth (London: Reaktion, 2016)
Tari Haahtela, Kimmo Saarinen, Pekke Ojalainen, and Hannu Aarnio, Butterflies of Britain and Europe: a photographic guide (London: A. and C. Black, 2012).
Axel Hausmann and others, Geometrid Moths of Europe, six volumes (Vester Sterninge: Apollo Books, 2001-)
Lionel Higgins and Norman Riley, Butterflies of Britain and Europe (London: Collins, 1970)
Ole Karsholt and Jósef Razowski, The Lepidoptera of Europe: a distributional checklist (Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 1996)
Tristan Lafranchis, Butterflies of Europe (Paris: Diatheo, 2004)
Z. Lastuvka and A. Lastuvka, The Sesiidae of Europe (Vester Sterninge: Apollo Books, 2001)
Patrice Leraut, Moths of Europe, three volumes (NAP editions, 2012)
Chris Manley, British Moths and Butterflies (London: A & C Black, 2008)
Umberto Parenti, A Guide to the Microlepidoptera of Europe (Torino: Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali Torino, 2000)
Victor Redondo, Javier Gastón and R. Gimeno, Geometridae Ibericae (Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 2009)
Victor Redondo, Javier Gastón and Juan Carlos Vicente, Las Mariposas de España Peninsular (Zaragoza: Prames, 2010)
Roland Robineau, Guide des Papillons Nocturnes de France (Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé, 2007)
Bernard Skinner, Colour Identification Guide to the Moths of the British Isles, Third Edition (Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 2009).
Phil Sterling, Mark Parsons and Richard Lewington, Field Guide to the Micro-Moths of Great Britain and Ireland (Gillingham: British Wildlife Publishing, 2012)
Martin Townsend and Paul Waring, Concise Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland (Gillingham: British Wildlife Publishing, 2007)